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Case Status

Here, you can update the essential details of a referral and, crucially, alter its status, which reflects its progress in the counseling process.

Referral Statuses

Forms In-Progress - The Counselee is notified and invited to log in to complete counseling forms
Waitlist - Forms are complete & awaiting the availability of a counselor
Active - Forms Complete and advance to active counseling
Suspended - Counselee unresponsive or no-show
Complete - Counseling is terminated.


Consent To Counsel

The consent forms allows the counselee to electronically sign consent to your terms of service, fee structure, and advocacy policy.



Personal Data Information

This form includes detailed sections for the counselee to provide information about their history, background, habits, and more. This information will be helpful as you proceed with the counseling process.


Homework Assignments

You can submit homework here by uploading documents or using our homework builder tool to create electronic forms. The tool tracks progress, saves assignments, and notifies you upon completion!


Integration With Planning Center

Planning Center is now seamlessly integrated with the Care Track System, working alongside a prominent church database to enhance care. When you create a new case, the system automatically shows matching names from Planning Center, saving you from manually entering profile information. We're actively expanding our Planning Center integration, so feel free to share any specific features you'd like to see integrated!

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SMS Interface

We're taking this platform to a whole new level with our SMS Integration. Among things, anyone that has access to a referral can post notes into the chat area via text message. This and other features makes our platform even more accessible when you're on the go.

 So Much More

There's so much more. From the Life Story form to the Administrator only notes, Progress Notes, Advocate Forms, Timelines, Availability Calendar and more, the system is packed with relevant features designed to help you effectively manage your case load.

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